Monday, October 5, 2009


This movie, it is a drama movie which is totally true. It is about civil war against two ethnic tribes Hutu and Tutsi, these are the main tribes found in Rwanda. Why they called this movie sometimes in April?
They called this movie sometimes in April because the genocide started April to July, which reached 100 days.

When the Hutu nationalists raised arms against their Tutsi countrymen in the African nation of Rwanda in April of 1994, the violent uprising marked the beginning of one of the darkest times in African history. Over the course of the next 100 days, brothers would turn against brothers, tearing families apart and resulting in the death of almost 800,000 people. Based on actual events that occurred during the uprising, affecting war drama tells the tale of two such brothers, whose differing loyalties found them on opposing sides of the conflict. This movie, is similar to Hotel Rwanda.

When UN went to Rwanda including French People , they took only their people. People where trying to get in the truck but French armies did not let any Rwandese to get in the truck.They were pushing people as you can see it in the picture above . They did not even try to stop what was happening there.The most amazing thing, it is that when I watched this movie I felt so apset, especially where they were killing students on the campuses. What happened is that, killers went into classroom and shooted every student.
You can see in the pictures above that two little girls were koshed because they were trying to kill them. Finally, they found them, and killed them, it was very sad.

When I saw this movie I was very scared, sad, cried and felt very bad to see people dying without any reason.This is a really true story, if you want to know the history about Rwanda, or to understand more what happened, you should watch this movie.It is very interesting movie.


  1. Sounds like a very intense movie. What happened in Rwanda was horrible. It is sad to see a country turn against itself like that. I can relate to the story, many brothers fought against each other during the civil war in El Salvador also, I would definitely be interested in watching this movie.

  2. WOW, this is an intense movie. This movie reminds me of what is going on in Africa right now. It is very sad. Reading your blog, I was able to image of the situation that went on in Rwanda. I do not know if i want to watch this movie,but I know other people would.

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