Friday, September 25, 2009

Love your Mom

The expression inside the picture means happiness with mother.

This image shows that a lady really cares about her baby. Also they look both happy.

It is very important to love your mom because mothers do everything for us. You should care about your mom no matter what. Mother is the one who always care about her baby. There are many people that have had an impact on my life and influenced me in many different ways. However my mother has had the biggest impact on my life and influenced me more than anyone else. She has had an impact on me since the day i was born, and she still does today. I am sure she had an collision on me by the way she took care of me as an infant, before I could even talk.

My mother has always been a believer. That has influenced me throughout my whole life, even though she did not see it. As a baby my mother had an impact on me. When I would cry she would come and see what I needed. She would change my diaper if it needed changing, or she would feed me if that is what I wanted. If there was something wrong with me she would definitely find out. She would not stop observing until I stopped crying.

I don't think this image is going too far because it shows that a baby is happy with his mom, and in general it is important that mothers care about their babies. I think we should thank our mothers for what they did for us, for example by giving them respect. The reason I am saying this, it is that some people don't care about their mothers, which is terrible.

Monday, September 21, 2009

join today!!!!

Social networking sites is a web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system , aticulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection , and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. My space, facebook, cyworid, and bebo have attracted millions of users ,many of whom have intergrated these sites into their daily practices

Some sites cater to diverse audiences,while others attract people based on shared racial, education, religious, or nationality based identies. Sites also vary in the extent to which they incorporate new information and communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, blogging, and photo/video-sharing.This is really important because it is a quick way and easy.
What is the good thing of the sites?one of the best known advantage of joinning a networking is you get a chance to meet other people who share your passion or who you can share with you some very interesting things that you have not known. For example, if you are going to take a career path in the field of law, join the net working sites is the best choice. For students, also net working sites can be help when you need to communicate and get imformatiom from others who also pursue the same field of study. Online networking is also a great means for students to share information.

In my opinion, I think this is realy important for every body. For instance, the blogs that we are doing on our EN class help every body to share the information. You can even have a hobby on online networking. If you are whose favorite hobby is online networking,then why not include this hobby of yours in your personel statement. I think this is really important,that is why i mentioned above to join net working sites.

Friday, September 11, 2009

support our troops.

If i had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life,it would be "support our troops"bumper sticker.Many people like to put different kinds of bumper sticker on their cars,but the important thing is to know and to understand the meaning of it.The sticker about supporting our troops, really shows a powerful statements of support.

It means to support the army,which is very important.This is my pesonal motto for life,because when i see these sticker it makes me happy.Because the army are always ready to protect us, against the enemy. It is very important to remind people to support the army, because it shows a campasionate patriotism for a country.